One of the wonderful things about being a stay at home mom is that my job(and it is ABSOLUTELY a job) is never the same. Each day is drastically different from the one before. Of course we do have a routine that we follow(key to survival with children) but nothing is set is stone and the unexpected almost always happens. I had a particularly eventful day this week and it made me wonder if other moms have days like these...
I started the day as I always do bright and early with my little pumpkin. We get up watch cartoons, eat breakfast, get ready for the day and eventually go down for a morning nap. Layla has really got the morning nap down, it usually lasts for an hour or two depending on what time she got up in the morning. I can typically take a shower, get completely ready for the day and do a few chores before she wakes up. On this particular day, for whatever reason, she woke up after a whopping 31 minutes. I of course, was in the middle of my shower when she started crying and I was completely thrown off. I rushed to get done so I could go get her and I think that was pretty much the beginning of the end for me.
From that point on, the rest of the day seemed stressful. I had to go shopping and wanted to get it out of the way but Layla needed to be breastfed before we went, so I hurried to get that done and out the door. I was very proud of the fact that the shopping trip was quick and Layla remained awake in the car and in a good mood. Of course when I got home and put her down on the floor to play, I couldn't help but notice that when I was not holding her and did not have a diaper bag on my shoulder that I felt oddly exposed. I looked down and discovered that in my haste to get out of the house quickly, post-breastfeed, I failed to pull my bra back up and clasp it before jetting off. So, though my shirt covered me completely, I did several laps around Fred Meyer with one milk jug uncapped...awesome. I decided to spend the rest of the day playing on the floor with Layla as she practices crawling(she's very shaky but she can do it), since leaving the house was clearly not a good idea.
I should probably mention at this point that our cat Saber(we have two, a skinny, sweet one - Renegade and a fat, crazy one - Saber) had surgery last week and is currently recovering in our upstairs closet that has been cleaned out and fitted with a baby gate in front of the door. He is wearing the "cone of shame" but has been pretty low maintenance for the most part. I go up and check on him a couple times a day and he has been doing just fine, that is, until now.
I took a break from playing with Layla to run upstairs and close the window in the room that Saber was in because it had started to rain. I left Layla safe and secure playing on the floor in my room where I knew she could not get into anything. As soon as I opened the door to the room we have him quarantined in, the smell of poop smacked me in the face. This distracted me momentarily from the waterfall that was pouring in the window(I was too late anyway). So after I closed the window I went over and looked in the closet where Saber was happily rolling on the floor. Obviously he had pooped in the cat box and left it right on top in all its glory, but I had completely forgotten that because there was blood all over the floor and the box and the "cone of shame" and Saber! I had no idea of what to do! He seemed fine but the closet looked like a scene from a horror movie.
I ran back downstairs and grabbed my phone. Layla was fine on the floor so I ran back upstairs dialing Matthew at work. Of course the second I left the room without acknowledging her, Layla had a screaming fit. So now, I am on the phone with my husband who is at work, looking at a room covered in blood with a fat, happy cat in the middle, while my sweet baby screams like she is in mortal danger. I very quickly and dramatically yelled to Matt that Saber was bleeding and "WHAT DO I DO?! WHAT DO I DO?!" He very calmly began explaining that Saber had probably just opened up a scab and would be just fine and to check to see if he was still bleeding. As I bent down to check him out, he reared up on his hind legs and used his front paws to very smoothly pull off the "cone of shame." WTF! NOW WHAT DO I DO?!!!
Baby still screaming, check! Floor that I'm standing on covered in blood, check! Room still reeking of poop, check! Psycho cat now completely unleashed, check!
After a few seconds of not so deep breathing(it smelled really bad), I got a hold of my senses and sprang into action. Saber was no longer bleeding and was in fact, fine, so I wrestled him to the floor and reattached the "cone" as best I could. Then I ran back downstairs and told Layla "Mommy will be right back," which to her meant jack so she continued to scream. I grabbed a bag and a scooper and ran back up to remove his mountain of poo that he didn't feel like burying and dispose of it. I then ran back downstairs and scooped up my little drama queen who squealed with delight...faker. I collapsed on the floor sweaty, tired, and completely out of breath. Layla could tell I was having a rough day and did her best to comfort me with a spoon to the eye. Thanks pumpkin, Mommy is all better now :)