They like us! They really like us!
Ok, so I'm not that pathetic, but I was beginning to wonder if there was something wrong with Layla and I (or maybe just me, because truthfully, there could never be anything wrong with that sweet girl).
It's not like I don't have friends. I do. I just don't see them much and it's a completely different dynamic now that I'm a be expected I suppose. But I was seriously lacking in the Mom-friend department, which directly effected Layla's circle of friends (or lack thereof). All of my mommy-friends unfortunately, happen to live in other states, not ideal for regular play-dates.
So I made it a point in the last year to join a class or two and meet some Seattle moms so that Layla could socialize a bit and I would have the chance to talk to other moms about all of the stuff that comes with kids. There is a LOT and it's so helpful to bounce stuff off of other people who are going through the same things.
I quickly learned that making mom-friends is not like making regular friends. There are a lot of factors to consider when meeting other parents. Do your parenting styles match-up enough to where you won't drive each other crazy? Do you have similar values? Do they care that their child is eating wood chips under the swings? All of these things matter and must be considered before you can decide if you want to hang out. So it's a process, and when you meet initially you spend a lot of time just watching each other interact with your respective offspring and hoping that you're not sitting in a room with some crazies.
Luckily for Layla and I, after doing some scouting, we have found absolutely AMAZING friends that we are getting to know. The kids are all super sweet and well behaved. They all get along really well and have a great time together. It's been especially entertaining to watch them all try to learn each other's names. The moms raising these fabulous kids are equally fabulous and have been so much fun to hang out with. They are also a huge resource of information and are totally empathetic when I have to show up 20 minutes late to hang out because we couldn't find a shoe...
Yay for cool mommies who get my spastic-ness!