Our Family

Our Family
Cori, Layla and Matt

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Survey Says....It's a GIRL! Oh yeah, so do the experts...

Here we are at 20 weeks, the half-way point and we are more excited than ever! Yesterday we went in for our second ultrasound and learned that we are indeed having a girl, however, this information did not come easily.

Upon arrival at the ultrasound office, my bladder extremely full, therefore making me EXTREMELY uncomfortable, we checked in and were told that we did not have an appointment. I knew this had to be a mistake because my doctor's office had made the appointment and I was holding the appointment sheet in my hand at the time. After some digging we learned that my doctor's office never faxed the order for the ultrasound to their office. I was not happy to say the least, not only because I was standing around with my legs crossed trying not to let on that I may not make it through the conversation, but also because I had been looking forward to the appointment for a month and the chance to find out the gender of our baby! Luckily and due to some very helpful people in their office, they were able to squeeze us in, yay!

Thinking it would be smooth sailing from that point, enter our stubborn child...From the very first image that came up I could tell this would be no easy task, she was standing on her head and facing towards me, not exactly an ideal position for finding out gender, let alone looking at much else. However, I was able to do some bouncing around on the table and they brought in an ultrasound tech and a radiologist and with the three of us working very hard, we were able to look at every part of our little one and see that she is growing and functioning normally. They also were able to determine that she is in fact a girl, let's just hope their judgement is accurate as I already ran out to buy some cute girlie stuff :) All in all, it was a wonderful experience and we are sooo thrilled to be having a daughter. I am so very excited!

Monday, May 18, 2009

What we affectionately call "The Baby's Suite"

This weekend Matt and I finally wrapped up our first baby project, aka the nursery. It turned out really well and we're very happy with it. However, we have come to realize that it is actually nicer than our own room. We got all of the furniture in and set up, finished the paint touch-ups and put away the clothes and blankets that we have. We only have a couple things to add, like a few shelves and some decorative items for the wall. It's so nice to finally have a place to put everything pertaining to the baby. It was beginning to take over the whole house, though I have a feeling that it's inevitable when you have kids. For the time being we just have a house full of cardboard and styrofoam from all of the furniture and accessory unpacking.

Of course I feel much better having gotten it all ready, but at the same time we realize how much stuff we still need. Luckily we still have plenty of time, even though the days seem to be flying by. We are now less than two weeks from the halfway point in the pregnancy. We also have our ultrasound coming up and are very hopeful that we will find out the gender of the baby :)