This weekend Matt and I finally wrapped up our first baby project, aka the nursery. It turned out really well and we're very happy with it. However, we have come to realize that it is actually nicer than our own room. We got all of the furniture in and set up, finished the paint touch-ups and put away the clothes and blankets that we have. We only have a couple things to add, like a few shelves and some decorative items for the wall. It's so nice to finally have a place to put everything pertaining to the baby. It was beginning to take over the whole house, though I have a feeling that it's inevitable when you have kids. For the time being we just have a house full of cardboard and styrofoam from all of the furniture and accessory unpacking.
Of course I feel much better having gotten it all ready, but at the same time we realize how much stuff we still need. Luckily we still have plenty of time, even though the days seem to be flying by. We are now less than two weeks from the halfway point in the pregnancy. We also have our ultrasound coming up and are very hopeful that we will find out the gender of the baby :)
AWE! Super cute! Can't wait to meet the little bug when he/she gets here :)