Last weekend Matt and I did a maternity photo shoot with our friend and amazing photographer, Kevin Wong. We started off at our house and then moved down to Alki Beach here in West Seattle to finish up. The whole shoot was a lot of fun and we both felt very comfortable. We got the pictures back and could not be happier with the result. The pictures turned out really well and were exactly what we had hoped for. It definitely feels like we captured this time in our lives in an amazing way. Granted, I was feeling extremely large and I was very concerned about double chins and love handles, but I feel like we avoided photographing those unfortunate side effects of pregnancy. Yay!
I have been growing at an astounding rate these days as well. I tried to put on a pair of pants this morning that I wore LAST WEEK just to find out that they no longer fit. I suppose that is something I'll have to get used to for the next two months. Our little peanut certainly is taking up a lot of space. I'm pretty sure that she is still head up as she likes to push it out, which is not terribly comfortable. Matt and I are going to make a concerted effort to go for regular walks in the next two months to help coerce her into the head down position in time for delivery.
We have also attended a couple of childbirth prep classes in the last few weeks and though I feel pretty well educated already, I have picked up some important information on breathing tactics as well as the medication options available during labor. As crazy as people may think I am, the more I learn about these medications, the more I would prefer to have a natural delivery. Matt and I agree that our birth plan will be flexible should I change my mind or that we require medical intervention, however, I am going to do my very best to do this without the help of medication. I don't think that people realize that every woman's birth experience is different and though there is always an EXTREME amount of pain involved, there are plenty of women out there that can make it through on their own. The only frustrating thing is that anytime you tell anyone that you hope to have natural delivery, they launch into every horror story of labor they know of...as if that is supposed to make me feel better...where's the support people??!!