Our Family

Our Family
Cori, Layla and Matt

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dear Santa, I Would Like Sleep for Christmas this Year.

It has been an amazing two months of lots of ups and downs and sometimes sideways. Though it is hard for me to believe, Layla is already coming up on 9 weeks old. Last week we went to her 2 month doctor appointment and learned that she is 10lbs 8oz! She has completely outgrown her newborn clothes(which of course required a new wardrobe) and I don't think she'll be in the 0-3 month clothes for long. According to the doctor she is looking great. She is in the 38th percentile for weight, which is a vast improvement over the 9th, which is where she was when she was born. Her height and head measurements are also very proportionate.

All of that good growing aside, she was also due for her very first vaccinations...4 to be exact...the first was oral, and you would think it would have been a piece of cake. Probably would have been too, had Layla not choked on it and stopped breathing briefly (btw, scariest moment of my life!). We had 3 nurses in the room and everyone panicked, luckily Matthew scooped her up and got her breathing again (way to go Dad!).

Then came the dreaded shots. My mom told me when I got pregnant that watching your baby in pain is the most heartbreaking thing you will ever endure and holy cow was she right!! Three shots right in a row and Layla was one unhappy camper. However, she was not alone, Matt and I were also lucky enough to get shots that day as well for the swine flu vaccination. I don't know about Matt, but that stuff just doesn't even phase me anymore after playing a pin cushion in the hospital, and every 2 weeks since for blood work. Speaking of which, I am still on blood thinners, hence the bi-weekly blood work, but I am feeling much better. I am totally off of pain medication, though I still have pain, I am able to get through it on my own.

Other than that, Matt and I have been completely on our own with Layla for over a week now and we are getting the hang of it. Sleep is tough because we found that she sleeps well in our bed but moving her once she is asleep is next to impossible. I'm sure we'll figure it out with time and we are looking forward to the 3 month mark when according to everyone with kids, it starts to get a bit easier.

Watching her grow and learn has been amazing and rewarding and a little sad at the same time. I so wish she would stay a tiny baby for so much longer because it just goes too fast. This is my only chance to do things this way and I want to cherish every moment! She is just the cutest little bug!!!

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