Layla is one active little girl! I can see her frustration at the fact that she can't just get up and go whenever she wants. She has finally got rolling over down to a science and uses it as a way to get around. She does not simply roll back and forth, but continuously to get from one place to another. I swear one of these days she is just going to take off running! Keeping that in mind, Matt and I decided it was time to get her an Exersaucer. For those of you that are not familiar, see the picture and get out of the dark ages...
When we went to pick one out (there are about a million choices), I initially wanted to get something understated and simple. However, Matthew reminded me that the more obnoxious we find a toy to be, the happier it will make Layla. I hated to admit it, but it made sense. So we found the one with the most stuff on it, tons of colors and music and toys. I was slightly concerned that Layla would be over-stimulated in something so busy, but as soon as we put her in it, I knew we had made the right choice. She ever so carefully, explored each part of her new toy and loves it. I love making this little girl happy!
On a more fashionable note, I found a fantastic online store, via Twitter that has the most adorable beanies and headbands. I have had a hard time finding cute things to put on Layla's head that actually stay there. If the Bow Fits to the rescue(@thebowfits)! I bought really cute stuff that she has no complaints about wearing, yay! Who doesn't love giant flowers and bows on their head?!
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