Let's face it, I as a middle child, am completely averse to change. I can own that, however, it is probably not the healthiest thing when it comes to my daughter. Change is a part of life, a good part and no child can grow and learn without change...obviously. So here in lies the problem, I am having trouble with each new milestone that brings Layla further from that tiny newborn who needed me for everything, toward a very independent toddler who wants to explore and do more and more for herself. Of course, that is exactly what is supposed to happen and I want nothing more than to raise a strong, independent woman who can take care of herself...I just don't want it to happen so fast.
This brings me to the subject of weaning. I had originally planned to wean Layla at one year, but when the time came I just didn't feel ready to be done. I know for a fact that I am having more trouble than the average Mommy because this could very well be my only chance at nursing a baby and that bonding experience is second to none. So, I'm a wuss. I have made excuses and pushed back my deadline repeatedly. I know that there is nothing wrong with nursing after a year, as a matter of fact, they now recommend that you nurse to two years of age. My problem is that my darling little girl has a mouth full of very sharp teeth...and she uses them. Though I am not fond of being a chew toy, I have pressed on in hopes of continuing the nursing process as long as possible.
However, the time has come and after several months of eliminating nursing sessions and replacing them with a bottle of whole milk(and slowly eliminating those), I have finally concluded my 16 1/2 month journey of breastfeeding my baby. It was a very sad thing for me and I know that in the days to come it will be sadder still, but it was for the best and hopefully the prevention of a serious injury by my saber-tooth toddler (I also have no desire to be one of those creepy moms that has a six year old climbing under their shirt in the middle of a play date at the park).
Layla of course has taken it all in stride and is completely oblivious to the fact that I have been agonizing over this for months. She simply puts her adorable, chubby hand to my face and smiles, letting me know that all is right in her little world...and that's all I need.
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