So clearly time management is not my forte, but is that really a surprise to anyone? So much has happened in the last few months that I hardly know where to begin. The holidays were of course super busy and by "busy" I mean stressful!
Thanksgiving was a quiet affair at home with Layla and Matt which was nice and exactly how I prefer our holidays spent in Seattle. The entire month of December was devoted to preparing for our Christmas celebration here and then travel prep for the actual holiday back home in Chicago. We went overboard on presents for Layla, but I think that is allowed and to be expected when you have one child and she is just so darn cute! She loved all of her presents but nothing that we got her compared to her little pink car that she can "drive" around (which really entails us pushing her). Even now two months later, nothing makes that little girl happier than taking her out to "drive." Of course with all the rain that we get in the winter, sometimes it's hard to find the time to get out, luckily Daddy doesn't mind letting her cruise around the living room and kitchen :)
Our trip back to the snow and frigid temperatures of Illinois was not exactly what I would call relaxing. The stress of travel is something that I thought would improve with Layla's age...sadly that is not the case. Crossing two time zones and changing Layla's surroundings every few days in order to stay with all of our families was disastrous! She had a lot of trouble sleeping and was crabby as a result. Of course it was wonderful to see our family, but making that trip is not as easy as it used to be. I think in the future we will need to stop all of the bouncing around and just stay in one place and go hang out with everyone during the day...shouldn't matter where we sleep anyway, right?! It's just getting too difficult and I certainly won't be able to do that if we have any additional children.
When we arrived back in Seattle, we managed to bring a terrible stomach flu bug with us. I, of course got it first and the worst. I spent several days praying to the porcelain gods before it moved on to Matthew. He was really only seriously sick for one day and then Layla got it. Once we were all feeling better we tried to get back on a normal schedule and headed back to Kindermusik. We started the new session and Layla is now the oldest in her class. She seems to enjoy that and has really come out of her shell. Unfortunately, she also got sick from one of those little drool buckets in class and we spent another week recovering.
Thankfully, everyone is currently well (for the moment) and I am starting to get things done that have been on my to-do list for ages. Next up is the battle with the insurance company. Keep your fingers crossed and stay tuned...
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