Our Family

Our Family
Cori, Layla and Matt

Monday, September 14, 2009

Doctor Says Relax...Much Like Frankie

At my last two doctor appointments my blood pressure has registered as elevated. Afte the last appointment, our doctor advised me to go on modified bed rest. This is not a terrible thing and I could see most people welcoming the break. Unlike full-on bed rest, I can still move around and even go out sometimes. I am just instructed to lay off the house work and errands and stay kind of quiet, as my doctor put it, "lay low." I'm doing my best, but for someone that is always on the go, it's not easy. Add to that the fact that we live in a 3 story house and I spend my days running up and down stairs also does not help. Matthew has been wonderful as usual, running all over the place for me and even making that third trip up the stairs when I've forgotten yet something else that I absolutely must have :)

Other than that, things are going well. Our little girl is very strong, though I fear she may be attempting to make her exit through my belly button. She spends a significant part of each day trying to push her way out through the middle of my abdomen leaving me looking very misshapen. It is definitely not comfortable though I don't think she is all that concerned with my comfort level. Sleep is as elusive as ever, but honestly I think that's just as well, since in a few weeks time I can kiss it goodbye altogether. This is just good practice I suppose.

Matt and I are getting very excited to meet our little one and spend a lot of time talking about what it will be like when she is finally here. We are also finishing up all of the prep work we have to get done. Matthew is a trooper, knocking things off the "D Day" list all the time. We are also making it a point to try to do lots of fun things and enjoy our last few weeks as a childless couple. We are most excited about the Pearl Jam concerts (yes that is plural) we'll be going to next week! We are going to two nights of shows back to back and can't wait. We haven't seen them in 3 years! It should be a good time and I figure as long as I spend those days doing nothing and sit through most of it, I should be fine.

We have another doctor appointment in about a week and from there we are down to weekly appointments to check my cervix for changes! So exciting, and it's going sooo fast! We'll be parents before we know it!